Embracing Purpose Stories

May these stories of graduates of the Embracing Purpose program inspire and encourage you on the path to God-given purpose. And as your own story begins to take shape, by all means, share it with our Embracing Purpose team so that we can share it with others! Contact us here.


When Lauri’s father died soon after she finished an Embracing Purpose class, she knew she wanted to honor her his legacy. But how? May her powerful story help you connect the dots of your life and take action toward your God-given purpose.


God spent twenty years preparing and equipping Kim to serve women in crisis and offer them a place of renewal, refreshment and restoration. Then He pointed her to Embracing Purpose where Kim finally realized that the timing was right for her to take action toward her dream.


Planting a church in the inner city was never anything Tammy and her husband Jamie could have envisioned. But God obviously did. Purpose does indeed change everything. Tammy – such an inspiration!


Elaine Green turned her hobby into a fruitful ministry that blesses so many through Kingdom Quilters.


Watch Heather Patterson’s story to see how she’s blessing her neighbors with the gift of hospitality and glorifying God in the process!


Former school teacher Darlene Smith is using her time, talents and treasures to lead a dynamic team of small group facilitators who are speaking into the lives of incarcerated women, women seeking LIFE and purpose just like the rest of us.


Linda Pearce never saw herself in this role—teaching and encouraging incarcerated men so they will stay “out for life” once released back into society. But God surely did!


Miriam Howle turned her love of fashion and sense of style into a business that blesses herself and others – Wonderfully Dressed Christian Image Consulting.


What do you get when you combine hospitality and administrative gifts with a passion for Embracing Purpose? Just ask Pam Cole.


Can God use a love of cooking to serve the ‘least of these?” You bet. Watch how Pam Lipsky is doing it.


Watch Emily Ellingwood’s story to see how God is using her passion for EP and her gift of networking to start a new chapter of EPIC in the Atlanta area.

Real Stories from Real Women

Read real stories from real women just like you who have learned to embrace their God-given purpose. Have a story to tell? Send us your story and we just might put it online!

Celebrating L.I.F.E.

Ending a FaceTime call with a few women who recently finished Embracing Purpose in Atlanta, I was slammed with joy. Though three in Jana Comb’s group were absent (out sick), the rest were very much “there!” These on the road to Purpose.

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Celebrating Jacquelyn

How does a someone go from a career as a chef to one of connecting waiting children in foster care with a family? Short story is, she signs up for an Embracing Purpose class where God sparks a fire in her belly that she can’t ignore.

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Serving in God’s Strength

When Suzy Mullen finished Embracing Purpose in December, she was thankful for many insights she’d gained and for new relationships, but she had not yet nailed the biggie.

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Letting God Take Control

Charlotte Ballard admits she had some pretty grand ideas when she enrolled in Embracing Purpose: “I wanted to do something big and totally self-satisfying!” she says. Sound familiar?

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Her Father’s Legacy Fueled Her Purpose

As her Embracing Purpose class was ending, Lauri Currier’s dad was losing a two-year battle with liver cancer. Little did she know at the time that the self-discovery process she had undertaken would lead her to a mission that would deeply honor her father.

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Her Passion Became Her Business

When Krista Wilson started Embracing Purpose, she was working two part-time jobs to help her family’s finances. Her husband, Bill, had lost his job during the recession and had not found work after two years of searching.

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