Hooray! Let’s get started.
There are a few ways to work through the study as part of a group or on your own. No matter which you choose —
The core components of the study include:
Ten video messages
Author Linda Slaton brings story-rich illustrations to complement the lessons while adding valuable content not found in the workbook.
A self-discovery workbook
The workbook is comprised of 10 lessons, each of which includes the narrative of the author’s purpose journey, Bible study to explore a shared purpose common to all believers, and self-discovery exercises that will lead you step-by-step to discover your specific purpose, the unique way God created you to partner with Him in His purposes.
The Servants By Design™ personality inventory
As one of the most predictive personality tools available on the market, this tool has been used more than a million times in 51 countries.
Four ways to grow.
OPTION #1 (Highly Recommended)
Join a Virtual Group
Virtual classes are offered twice a year, in January/February and in August/September. Registration begins six weeks prior to the start dates.
After registering for the group of your choice, you’ll get access to all of the videos, a self-discovery workbook, and the Servants by Design personality inventory.
Contact us and we will notify you when fall registration opens in August.
Request a Facilitator for Your Group
If you have a group of women who would like to go through the study, but you don’t feel comfortable facilitating the material, we would love to connect you with a trained facilitator.
Using the button below, request a facilitator, and we will connect you with one of our certified Embracing Purpose leaders.
Facilitate Your Own Group
Experienced small group leaders will be well-equipped to lead a small group of women through the material by following our user-friendly leader guide.
If you desire more in-depth training, you can work through author Linda Slaton’s virtual leader training at your own pace. To find out more about the training and certification process, contact us today.
Study on Your Own
Although we find doing the study in a group the best way to experience the material, we understand that’s not always possible.
If you are not able to work through the material in a small group setting, feel free to work through the study on your own. All you will need is the Embracing Purpose workbook and the video message series, available in a DVD set or online streaming.
During the study, you’ll have an option to purchase the Servants by Design personality inventory for an additional $20 fee.