Slaying the Dragon
Embracing Purpose is a journey designed to take participants from being under-utilized in the kingdom to being maximized for God’s purposes. It is a journey of self-discovery where we come to know who we are and why we’re here.
During the course, we identify common roadblocks on the path to purpose. I failed to recognize one such obstacle in my path for a long time but have now come to see how large it loomed. And that is Clutter. Simple, everyday stuff. I’m talking about physical and digital clutter as well as unfinished to do’s, broken stuff and projects.
Clutter in your physical and cyberspace means clutter in your mental space. Such stuff becomes heavy barbells that we lift day-in, day-out, making us physically, mentally, and yes, even spiritually, weary. We don’t mean to lift them. We just do because they’re there, irritating the thunder out of us at every turn.
Never underestimate the power of stuff. Clutter is an Energy Drainer, or as one friend tags it –a Joy Sucker. Failing to deal with it has eternal consequences.
My laundry room and its closet have been joy suckers for me for way too long. Today, I’m here to report, I conquered the 8’ X 6’ space, filling up the trash barrel, now at the curb, and my trunk, the contents of which was promptly deposited at the local Goodwill collection station.
Make no mistake: stuff has the power to suck your joy. But once dealt with—and here’s the really good news — it has the power to boost your joy and your energy. Decluttering offers rewards that far outweigh the time and effort required to do so. Some of those rewards are eternal.
Long after slaying the clutter dragon, I find myself passing through the formerly afflicted space, again and again, stopping to admire the scenery and soaking in the thrill of victory. Suddenly, I find I’m free to offer newly found energy and creativity to kingdom pursuits.
What dragon needs slaying in your corner of the world?
List as many joy suckers as you can in 60 seconds. Starting … now! (I’ll wait right here…)
If you haven’t worked through Embracing Purpose Self-Discovery Workbook and videos where we dive deep into the topic of Clutter, consider doing so. Preferably with a few friends.