What’s your Why?
If you ever hope to accomplish your What, you need to get in touch with your Why. If you are currently going through Embracing Purpose or have in the past, it’s probably because you are hoping to find your purpose – your What. What am I to do? But why do you want to know your purpose, exactly? First, figure out your Why and the What will follow.
What’s your Purpose Why?
You alone can determine your answer. Take the time to nail it. And do it in writing. As Flannery O’Connor wisely said, “I write to know what I think.” And from Dawson Trotman: “Thoughts disentangle themselves when they pass over the lips or through the fingertips.” Forcing yourself to find words for the swirling thoughts in your head brings clarity. And clarity motivates and energizes. It becomes the fuel that sustains you when life conspires to pull you down and off the path that God has for you.
Here’s my compelling Why. I embrace purpose because I long…
- To see people become joyful in Jesus, fulfilled, maximized & fearless.
- To see women who are failing to thrive come alive as they partner with Christ in that which is eternal.
- To make a difference, know that I matter, live for something beyond myself.
- To see lonely women experience the rich joy of belonging.
- For others to know, really know, they are loved and valued by Jesus.
- To see compassion bloom as women listen, affirm & encourage others.
- To leave my little corner of the world better off.
- To work hard & efficiently and then rest fully in the aftermath.
- To glorify God & experience His pleasure because it deeply satisfies my soul.
- To be fearlessly engaged in God-directed work, unhindered by my frailties.
- To belong to a community, a team, a family, that is laser-focused on meaningful kingdom work.
When I don’t know my Why or when I momentarily forget my Why, which is easy to do, I lose sight of the upward call of God on my life. I’m distracted by lesser things and flounder around with the rest of humanity without direction, joy or meaning. I fail to thrive.
I prefer to thrive. That’s why my Why is positioned right in front of me on my desk. Every morning as I sit with the Lord and every day as I work on all things Embracing Purpose, I am reminded of my What—my God-given purpose—and my Why.
Go ahead: Do it for yourself. Answer in writing. Print and post it nearby.