Embracing Purpose Prison Ministry
A wide door for effective service has opened to me. I Cor 16:9
“I believe God is changing lives tremendously. Embracing Purpose shows these women that they have a purpose so that when they get out of prison, their lives can change.”
When Linda wrote Embracing Purpose many years ago, she never dreamed God would use it with incarcerated women. But God’s dreams often exceed those of His people. As He opened prison doors, precious women were able to work through the material and build authentic relationships with leaders from the free world.
Women behind bars learn that they, like their free-world sisters, have great value, that they have gifts, talents and life experience that God can use. They learn that Jesus loves them with an everlasting love and His plan has always been to use them.
Learn how to bring prison ministry to your area.
A mission field in our backyard.
We leaders found a whole other world right here in our own backyard, a mission field full of vulnerable women. We don’t have to book a week-long international flight or get a passport and vaccinations to get to the mission field. We just have to submit to a background check and drive across town.
Local prison ministry offers us – and you – a chance to build missional service into the everyday rhythms of our lives, all within driving distance of our own front doors.
Learn how to bring prison ministry to your area.

How It All Began
When Linda asked the state-wide program director for Arkansas Community Corrections what she wanted for her women, she said, “I want them to know they’re not losers.” Linda replied, “Well then maybe Embracing Purpose will work with incarcerated women.” Having taken hundreds of “church ladies” through the material, Linda knew a key takeaway for most was learning how much God loves and values them. And so began Embracing Purpose prison ministry.
Since the 2008 launch, more than a thousand women in Arkansas and Georgia have taken Embracing Purpose. And they have learned they are anything but losers. They’re difference makers by God’s design.
In 2019, after a decade of fruitful prison ministry, Linda became convinced God wanted her to write a special prison edition of the material. Today Embracing Purpose On the Inside and Beyond is a complete package with a self-discovery workbook, a video series, and a leader guide – everything leaders need to launch the program in their area. Indeed, a wide door for effective service has opened to us. Join us in praying for many more doors to open across the country.