Embracing Purpose

Join other Embracing Purpose graduates in a monthly online community where we move toward God-given purpose together. Let’s continue the conversation and relationships we started in Embracing Purpose.

Embracing Purpose
Embracing Purpose


with like-minded women.

Embracing Purpose


for the journey ahead.

Embracing Purpose


toward God-given purpose.

You’re off to a great start.


Many women finishing Embracing Purpose still want and need more. To be the women God created us to be and accomplish the work he is giving us to do, we recognize our dependence on Him, but also our need for the support and encouragement found in connecting with like-minded women.

That’s why we created EPIC, an online missional community committed to continuing the conversation and the connections we started in Embracing Purpose. We seek to build community, cultivate courage, and take action.

Together, we can do this.

Embracing Purpose

"Think of EPIC as Embracing Purpose 2.0, a place to walk out the Purpose Plan you crafted in lesson 10. Together, we CAN make a difference and have fun doing it!"

- Linda Slaton, Author, and Developer

Embracing Purpose

"A woman who has embraced her purpose is a woman who is poised to change the world."

- The Embracing Purpose Study

Embracing Purpose

"In EPIC we seek to partner with God and Embracing Purpose graduates to take what we gained and continue to unwrap the treasures of abundant life and living on purpose."

- Patti Rhodes, Embracing Purpose Graduate

Mark Your Calendar

EPIC takes place on the second Monday of each month, 4 times in the spring and fall:
January – April and August – November, 7:30 – 9:00 EST / 6:30 – 8:00 CST.

Where there is no vision, the people perish.
~ Proverbs 29:18

Imagine a world where every one of us got up tomorrow and did exactly what God created us to do. Nothing more. Nothing less. How might our world change for the better? How might we? Embrace your God-given purpose and never again be haunted by the thought, “Is this all there is?”

Let’s keep the Embracing Purpose vision before us.

“Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds.”
Hebrews 10:24 (NAS)

Register Now

Monthly online gatherings, January – April and August – November.
2nd Monday of the month
7:30 – 9:00 EST / 6:30 – 8:00 pm CST.

We hope your schedule allows you to attend each session.
Look for a confirmation email with the EPIC Zoom link after registering.

[ * = REQUIRED ]




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